Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I Spy 2007

I Spy

An Ambulance: Paul was chosen by his company to go to Paramedic school this winter. He will be going to Denver to school for six months. Thompson Valley EMS is footing the bill and paying his salary while he’s in school, so it is really a great privilege to be chosen.

A Bible: Karin has taken 2 Beth Moore bible studies this year and really enjoys the chance to get out of the house and interact with other women. If you ever have the chance, take a Beth Moore study. You won’t regret it.

Baby Doll Dress: Karin opened her own on-line children’s clothing store this year. It makes just enough money to support her cute children’s clothing addiction.

Washington D.C. Pop-up: Laurin got to go with the Kansas Farm Bureau and Poppy and Grammy to Washington D.C. this spring. She had a great time and took tons of pictures. This summer Laurin also got to spend a week with Grandpa and Grandma at their home in Missouri. She had the most fun on the tube on the lake and visiting Silver Dollar City.

French Horn: Laurin started Middle School this fall and is learning to play the French horn. Like mother like daughter. She is also in the school choir and running club.

School Bus: Laina started kindergarten this fall and absolutely loves it. She and Laurin both got into the charter school, so they are in the same building. Laina is a very quick learner and her idea of fun is doing homework. She’s currently learning her multiplication tables for fun.

Jet Plane: Laina has informed us that she wants to be a jet plane pilot when she grows up. When I told her that she could take flying lessons, she said that she wanted to take swimming lessons first.

Dump Truck, Tractor, Race Car: If it has wheels or an engine Ethan loves it. For a time he would scream out every time he saw a car driving past or an airplane in the sky and wouldn’t stop until everyone acknowledged it. He is still very curious about everything, so he has loved exploring every inch of the new house.

7 Fish: We didn’t get to do too much fishing this year, but we did enjoy it when we got to go. Paul and Laurin went out one morning this June and came home with a 15 lbs catfish. There was a caiman spotted at one of the areas we went fishing this summer, but we thankfully never saw it.

House: We moved into our own house this October and couldn’t be happier. We had definitely outgrown the duplex, and now we have twice as much room. The house has a large, fenced backyard, a garden, a mostly unfinished basement, and a laundry room. We thank God for His many blessings

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

The presents have been opened and the kids are coming off their chocolate sugar rushes, so I thought that I would wish everyone a Merry Christmas before we all nap.

Last night we went to Christmas Eve service at Rez. I ended up staying for all three services to sing because we were very short-handed in the choir. When I came home we opened most of our presents to each other since Paul is working today. Paul and I stayed up to watch the Nativity Story movie which was really good.

Ethan joined us in bed at 2:15 this morning and had to bring his Diego matchbook cars that Laurin got him. Then Laurin and Laina woke us up at 6:15 to see what Santa had brought. Poor Ethan has had a scant Christmas so far since his presents did not come in the mail due to an ebayer's shipping mistake. Oh well, he is very satisfied with what he has gotten so far and will love his Thomas the Train stuff when it finally arrives.

We will get ready later and see Paul at the ambulance station and Shauna sometime today. Hope you are all having a good time wherever you are. Remember that we have all been given the greatest gift that could ever be given--Jesus.

I will leave you with my favorite line from the Nativity Story. During the scene one of the shepherds is looking at the baby Jesus and you can tell that he really wants to touch him. Mary says, "He is for all mankind."

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

This Week's Verse

In Case You Haven't Heard It

I don't usually post things like this, but growing up on a farm I too have lost close animals friends. It's amazing how God can speak through our little ones.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Reduce Reuse Recycle at Safeway

I was happy and surprised to see reusable grocery bags at Safeway for only $.99. The bags are black and made of recycled plastic. They are as spacious as a regular paper grocery sack, but they have handles to make carrying easier. I have been recycling plastic bags at Laurin's school for money for the school, but I would still rather not use as many of the plastic ones as I do. Now if I can just remember to leave my spiffy new reusable ones in the car.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Laurin's Concert

We went to Laurin's band and choir concert this week. It was not too bad to sit through, since the choir was mostly on key. I was even able to tell what songs the band was playing most of the time, so that was a plus. The bad part was Ethan. He managed to sit still for about 10 minutes and then wanted to run up and down the aisle. He would sneak a little farther away each time until finally he ran all the way up to the front and tried to hang on the wall in front of the orchestra pit. Figuring I would cause more of a scene if I ran up to get him, (I pictured him running onto the stage) I waited until the song was over and promptly removed him. Does anyone else have a child who can't sit still? Of course, Paul was at work and couldn't help with him, so I was left with an exuberant 2 year old wondering if everyone was whispering about my parenting skills. These are the days....

Wordless Wednesday--Last Winter

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Wordless Wednesday--Burst Into Song

Sing for joy, O heavens, for the Lord has done this; shout aloud, O earth beneath. Burst into song, you mountains, you forests and all your trees, for the Lord has redeemed Jacob....

Monday, December 3, 2007


On the way back from picking Laina up from school she informed me that she knew what igloos were made of. I asked her what and she said, "snow and glue." When I asked her why she thought that they were made with glue she said, "because it's called and i-glue" like I was completely ignorant. The conversation continued with her telling me that to construct an igloo one needed to cut snow, put some glue on it, let the glue dry and then place more snow on top. I asked where the glue came from and she said the builders brought it from home.