We were enjoying a fun-filled evening of flashlight tag last night when Laina and I went into the basement to see if anyone was there. Laina said, "Why is the floor wet?" just as I was stepping onto the water soaked carpet at the bottom of the stairs.
I guess all the rain the past week was too much for the french drain and filled the pit in the basement to overflowing. We worked with what we had available last night (a system of duct tape, pvc pipe remnants, a battery, and an aquarium pump) and pumped out as much as we could. By 6:30am this morning, the water was all the way to the entrance of Laurin's room.
Thankfully, the lumber yard is open that early and Paul made a trip to get a sump pump. It's doing its job perfectly, so we shouldn't have this problem again. The guy who owned the house assured us that it had never overflowed in the 12 years he owned the house. I guess we're just lucky.
Thankfully I had almost everything in plastic totes downstairs, so it was just a matter of moving things upstairs for a while. We had to take out all the carpet we put in (our freebies) and throw away the carpet pad. Hopefully we can dry the carpet out as the padding soaked up most all the water there. We have three fans going downstairs now, and I have been using the steam cleaner to suction water out of Laurin's carpet. I was going to take a picture and post it, but it was too depressing.
Ahh, the joys of home ownership.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Wordless Wednesday--Ethan's in the Kitchen with Carter
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Laina's Big Day
Public Works Day

Seems like this was the last day with nice weather around here. Ethan had a blast looking at all the trucks and road working stuff. Laina loved the free snow cones, cotton candy and popcorn. She hit the mark on the dunking tank three times, but she couldn't hit it hard enough to make the guy fall in.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
My Thoughts on Lost
The only comment I have this morning is: Why did Jin get on the rescue raft in the first place? Has anyone heard of women and children first? I think the writers didn't take Jin's character into account when they had him be one of the first to go to the cargo ship. I think that he would be all about chivalry. JMO.
One more thing: I'm getting so sick of Jack. The more I learn about him the less I like him. Kate too for that matter.
One more thing: I'm getting so sick of Jack. The more I learn about him the less I like him. Kate too for that matter.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Rollins Pass

This is where mom got out to walk.
And this is the last view I saw as my young life flashed before my eyes as our school van rolled towards the edge of a cliff.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Maybe Later
Laina's birthday is coming up, so the other day I asked her what she wanted. She told me that she wanted her ears pierced. I explained that there are some responsibilities with getting your ears pierced like cleaning them twice a day and twisting them around in the beginning even if it hurts. She was silent for a while and then said, "Maybe I can get my ears pierced when I turn 12."
Friday, May 9, 2008
Lost: Cabin Fever
I don't normally comment on my favorite show on my blog, but I just had to say that I think last night's episodes was one of the all-time best. Certain questions get answered. Others spring up. Your mind plays tricks on you. You play tricks back. It's like you're unraveling a big cable knit sweater someone keeps knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting. My biggest question for the night: Why would Claire and Christian say that Aaron is where he is supposed to be when the psychic said that he had to be raised by her? Maybe she forgot. Or maybe her wierd new self doesn't really care. Another observation I made id about the time difference between the island and the ship. I thought that the rocket shot from the ship to the island was one hour late, but the doctor's body showed up on the island before he was killed on the ship. So does it take a short time to get to the island and a long time to get off the island? Very strange.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
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