Friday, September 21, 2007

Laina's 2nd 1st Day of School

Yesterday, Laina enjoyed her second first day of school. We were very happy to learn that there was an opening in the morning kindergarten at the charter school where Laurin already goes. Yesterday, Miss Stroh, her new teacher greeted her by name and showed her where she could put her stuff and two little kids greeted her and introduced themselves. By the time I picked her up 3 hours later she announced that she had a new best friend. She told me that they learned Spanish and she knew the name for cat but couldn't remember : ). Today she informed me that she likes her new school. Praise the Lord. Now if I can just get her and Laurin ready in the morning so we won't be late. Laina is a bit of a night owl, so it has been an adjustment. On a brighter note, I have been able to go to bed a bit earlier now that the kids are too.

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